Leaving Cert Applied
The Leaving Certificate Applied is a two year Leaving Certificate available to students who wish to follow a practical programme with a strong practical and vocational emphasis.
It is designed for students who do not wish to proceed directly to third level education or for those whose needs, aspirations and aptitudes are not adequately catered for by the other two Leaving Certificate programmes or who choose not to opt for those programmes. The Programme is administered and assessed by the State Examinations Commission.
The programme consists of a range of courses each designed on a modular basis. The number of modules depends on the course. Each year of the two year programme is divided into two sessions, September to January and February to June. A module within a given course is usually completed within one session. Over the two year duration of the programme, participants will complete 44 modules. Course participants accumulate credits toward their final result at the end of each session.
Leaving Cert Applied Reporting Descriptors
Leaving Cert Applied is graded on a Pass, Merit or Distinction basis. Students who achieve less than 120 or leave the program early will receive a record of experience The grading is determined by the awarding of credits in subjects. The credit breakdown is as follows:
- Pass = 60- 69% (120 – 139 Credits)
- Merit= 70-84% (140 Credits -169 Credits)
- Distinction= 85 -100% (170 -200 Credits)
- Total Credits available = 200
LCA Modes of Assessment
The LCA assessment is based on:
- Satisfactory completion of modules
- Evidence of completion of 4 key assignments for each module
- One credit per course module in which there is a final exam
- Two credits per course module in which there is NO final exam
- 90% attendance = 62 Credits (31%)
This section is recorded in school by subject teachers who submit records for each session to the LCA coordinator who uploads them to the SEC online entry system. All evidence and records are kept in house.
LCA Tasks: 70 Credits (35%)
LCA students undertake 7 tasks which are assessed through an interview by an external examiner. These tasks account for 10 credits each = 70 Credits (35%)
- Vocational Preparation
- Vocational Education (x2)
- General Education
- Contemporary Issue
- Personal Reflection
- Practical Achievement
Final Examinations = 68 credits (34%)
- English & Communication
- Vocational Specialisms 1 Graphics and Construction
- Vocational Specialisms 2 Hotel Catering and Tourism
- Language Year 1 Irish
- Language Year 2 Spanish
- Social Education
- Maths Applications
Exams are run by the SEC in June of each year. LCA 1 have an Irish assessment at the end of year one and the remaining exams are accessed at the end of year 2.