School Calendar 2020/2021
First Year Induction
Tuesday September 1st (8.40am- 3.40pm) and then they return again on Friday 4th September
Third and Sixth Years Induction
Wednesday September 2nd (8.40am- 3.40pm) and then they return on Monday 7th September
Second and fifth Year Induction
Thursday September 3rd (8.50am- 3.40pm) and then they return on Monday 7th September
Transition Year and LCA Induction
First Years Return for more Induction
Friday September 4th (8.50am -1.10pm) and then they return on Monday 7th September
Full school return
Monday September 7th
Induction meeting for first year parents
Monday 7th September 7.30 pm
Info. Talk 2nd & 3rd Yr. Parents on New JC Assessments
Monday 7th September 7.00 pm
School Ethos Week – “Celebrate Us” Week
Monday 14th - Friday 18th September
Friendship Week
Monday 21st September -25th September
European Day of Languages
Thursday 24th September
Open Night
Monday October 5th 7pm
Maths Week
October 5th to October 9th
Mid Term Break
Monday October 26th - Friday October 30th.
Parent Teacher Meeting 1st Years
Wednesday 4th November 4.15pm-6.45pm
Meeting of LC Parents on the CAO System
Wednesday 4th November 7pm
Science Week
11th November to 17th November
Parent/Teacher Meeting 3rd & 6th Years
Wednesday 25th November 4.15pm to 6.45pm
School Closure Day (Staff Training)
Monday 30th November
Christmas Exams
1st and 2nd Year: 1st December to 7th December.
(In class assessments/Continuous assessment)
5th Year: 9th, 10th, 11th December (Formal exams in exam hall).
Christmas Holidays
Closing Tuesday December 22nd – Reopen Wednesday January 6th
School Closure Day (Staff Training)
Monday 11th January
Parent Teacher Meeting 2nd/5th/LCA
Thursday January 28th 4.15pm- 6.45pm
Mock Exams
Monday 1st Feb to Friday 12th February
LCVP Work Experience
Wednesday February 10th – Friday February 12th.
Mid-Term Break
Monday 15th –Friday 19th February
Meeting for parents of 3rd and TY students
Senior Cycle Options Wednesday February 24th 7pm
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Monday the 4th to 12th March
St Patricks Day
Wednesday March 17th
Parent Teacher Meeting 3rd, 6th, TY
Thursday March 25th 4.15pm-6.45pm
Easter Holidays
Closing Friday March 26th – Re-open Monday April 12th.
Bank Holiday
Monday May 3rd
School Closure Day
Tuesday May 4th
Summer Exams
Monday 31st May
Summer Holidays
Friday 4th June
State Exams Commence
Wednesday June 9th 2021.
State Exam Finish
Tuesday June 29th 2021.